
Is your jewelry old and worn out? Learn more about finding beautiful jewelry and incorporating key pieces into your wardrobe.

Coin Collection Inheritance: Overview Of Coin Grading

25 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have rare coins in your possession? Perhaps you inherited the coins from a relative, and you may not actually be a coin collector yourself. If so, you may be wondering about the value of the coin collection. This could be the determining factor for many people in your situation about whether or not they will keep the coins and pass them down future generations or sell them. The following information will aid in helping you to better understand the process of coin grading. Read More …

Looking For A Different Kind Of Engagement Ring? Try One Of These Antique Diamond Styles

19 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Valentine's Day is coming, and if previous years are any indication, around 6 million people may be getting engaged. If you're looking at engagement rings in anticipation, you may start to feel like many of them look alike. In a way, that's true because the precision of the modern diamond cutting process is designed to make each gem as uniformly brilliant as possible. If you're struggling to find a look that sets your ring apart from the rest, you might consider investing in a diamond with an older style cut. Read More …

The Qualities Of A Princess Cut Engagement Ring

14 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to choosing an engagement ring for your soon to be wife, you will want to ensure that you know what style is going to best suit her. There are many types of engagement ring styles to choose from. One of the more popular types is the princess cut diamond. Here are the qualities of this type of engagement ring: Square Shape: Princess cut engagement rings have a square shape, similar to that of an inverted pyramid. Read More …

Understanding 4 Of The Most Common Ring Repairs

13 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Rings can be beautiful and intricate pieces of jewelry. And of course, they can also hold a great deal of meaning and sentimental value, as is the case with engagement and wedding rings. As with any type of jewelry, however, rings can require repairs and refinishing over time. After all, just think about all the damage your ring is exposed to when you wear it every day! By understanding a few of the most commonly needed ring repairs, you can be better informed about what it takes to care for your own rings. Read More …

2 Reasons To Utilize A Watch Repair Service

12 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most versatile services to take advantage of when you have a watch that is valuable to you is a watch repair service, mostly because of the many ways in which they it can help you. Listed below are two reasons to utilize a watch repair service. Size Alterations With many cheaper types of watches on the market, adjusting the size of the watch can be a simple matter of simply replacing the band with another one that you can pick up at your local department store. Read More …

About Me
Enjoying Beautiful Jewelry

One day, after having my photo taken for work, I realized that I needed to spruce up my look. I was tired of dealing with my drab, unsightly appearance, which is why I invested a little time into finding better looking jewelry. I had been wearing nothing but plain studs and simple gold chains, while my coworkers were wearing interesting natural stone necklaces. I decided that if I wanted to be taken seriously, I needed to look better for work. This blog is all about enjoying beautiful jewelry and incorporating key pieces into your wardrobe. You never know, it might transform your look.